Gabriel Safdie
after love
the flower's scent outlives
its force in memory
and when reencountered
will conjure strongest
the smell of after love
cleave and then be self releasing
of the sex long after
these hands
these fingers and
the cock himself
has ceased his strutting
or the crow at dawn
in finnegan's wake
having given up on god now long ago
so that a spade had become a spade with
radiant earth the only ground to live by
he learnt to watch over himself apart
until he drove self-doubt to weariness-
but however tired he was or hard he tried
no sleep would come to him nor any peace
and drawn into some shady twilit place
where all the talk or drugs would fail him
day-dreaming he lost all track of time:
the clock had so timely shed both arms
his watch he'd smashed flat against the bar
now his own time was quickly running out-
a ghost feasting through space on holes
then having resolved to avoid any callers
(so that when the so long longed for came
he'd be set to greet the great intended)
and knowing what would surely be said-
he shunned even his friends with a silence
couched in the same hollow mystery all
too often pointedly aimed at his ears
only when there seemed nothing left him
but to contemplate himself in thought alone
cooled in the dim male-made womb of the pub
while facing a wall with mirrors for windows
only then could he pick up his stolid mold
bring himself home grope his way into bed
-to awake his face on her eager breast
really the blues
it must have been some
imperceptible subtle twist
some brilliantly concealed
malfunctioning within
some microscopic chip
with wires joined askew
some disproportionate solution
failed to crystallize it must
have been all those and more
in this this exquisite machine
of unstilled life in cityscape
this precious breathing
most incredible phenomenon
some call 'my love' it
might have been just that
yours is the only gloss
among the season's
in the wind
each of the leaves' points
cuts living air
your greenish oily tips
stab sleet and snow
with so much pricking spite
as to repel any hand-
when folks
arrange your branches
in haloing wreaths
benailed Christ's head
looms ominous
chin on chest
a holly thorn crown prone
to sting the lame devout
so piercing vanity
to the quick
there is no promise
in such heartless dire
inflictions or such deceit
that like your hardy sap is
flash fluorescence
the desert grows without relief
the sands so multiply and spread new gospels
that dunes loom to extend their influence
in shifting humps from coast to coast
thirsting after all such wanton subjects
who would have Earth herself turned into waste
whose sacrifices to a haggled god
yield short term gains at long view losses
so to this end our heads evangelizing
from greed for lewd compliance and that
with such success the being I
a solitary inconvertible amongst us
is deemed a relic-
a jutting jawbone in some western movie
-stuck amid this flashing videoland
here where even cactus will not grow
except in pots walled-in by fabricated alloys
and framed in windowpanes for light as
yet another grim reminder of
a sun that once illuminated greener landscapes
viewed from windows looking out on nobler scenes
then to remember from some history book
how well before the silicones and silicates
back in the teeming city-state of Venice
with commerce then sill only wooing science:
out of the innocence of clearer lungs their
newfound glass was blown from molten sand
against all odds
the floods of hell
molten and blackening
let loose the red
on me first hot
and set to swallow
all that's mine
and isn't nothing
being so in the end
all i put up against
to brave them given
their being larger
than human life or
death no manmade dam
can stop them so
unrelenting like
my species itself